The Power of Masturbation Manifestation: Understanding the Connection
Nazma Kazani- Mar 28, 2024
Unlock the power of masturbation manifestation by combining pleasure and intention. Learn how this practice can help you attract and manifest your deepest desires.
Getting the big ‘O’ AND manifesting whatever you want, how’s that for killing two birds with one stone? As clinical sexologist and sex magick expert Eva Clay explains, masturbation and manifestation (together) are about setting and visualising positive intentions that gain power through the creative energy of pleasure. Or, in other words: It’s the attitude shift you need to get sh*t done or to become more open to the good things heading your way. Looking for a new job, a promotion or simply a shift in your mindset? Just get as specific with it as possible and believe that it is already yours.
What is Masturbation Manifestation?
Masturbation manifestation is the ultimate power move—you’re not just getting off; you’re getting ahead. It’s not just about the physical act—it’s about channeling your sexual energy toward creating the life you want. Think of it as multitasking but way more fun. By tapping into your pleasure, you're entering a heightened state of relaxation and focus, making it the perfect time to visualize your goals. And when you add intention to the mix, you’re literally turning your orgasms into energy to power your dreams.

The answer lies within your sexual energy manifestation. Sexual energy is considered to be the most powerful energy to manifest. Many people refer to this as ‘sex magick’ aka the art of transforming sexual energy into tangible and real outcomes. Since this energy’s main intention is to create (it literally creates life), why not tap into this all-powerful source to attract change in your life and being?
Benefits of Masturbation Manifestation
Apart from the obvious feel-good factor f putting your Link remote-controlled massager to good use, masturbation manifestation can have some pretty amazing benefits. First, it puts you in a state of flow, where your brain is more open to new possibilities and less clouded by stress or doubt. When you're feeling good in your body, you're opening up to better things all around. Manifest a new job? Sure. Manifest that you finally stop texting your ex? Even better. It's the win-win you didn’t know you needed.
How Often Should You Practice?
Look, there's no rulebook that says you have to manifest every time your life feels like it's stopped moving. Some people practice it weekly, others whenever they’re in the mood or chasing a specific goal. The key is consistency, so whether it’s once a week or whenever the mood strikes, keep the practice alive to maintain that connection between your pleasure and your intentions. This is your sign to think about Bridgerton men often.
Is Masturbation Manifestation Scientifically Backed?
While it isn’t clinically backed by science, there have been multiple studies that have delved into the neurological state it creates. In its more relaxed, orgasmic state, the brain has a much easier time focusing on and visualising an intention, two things that have been shown to increase the power of manifestation, or the ability to bring something forth in your life by changing how you think, feel, or behave.
How To Practice Masturbation Manifestation?
Step 1: Setting an Intention Before Starting

Alright, are you feeling inspired to let those *ahem* juices flow and cultivate your creativity? To my fellow masturbation manifestors; any manifestation techniques you create on your own is awesome. But if you’re wondering just how to create one, here’s the quick and dirty version of it. Once you’ve taken care of setting and turned on your personal massager, it’s time for the hot and heavy portion of the practice. Where you get down to the actual masturbating. I’m not going to tell you what to do here, after all, you know your body best. I will, however, give you some pointers.
P.S. Make sure you use a good-quality lubricant gel.
Step 2: Using Mindfulness During Your Practice
Mindful masturbation is about being fully in the moment, savoring each sensation without rushing toward the climax. This helps to strengthen the link between your pleasure and your intention. Focus on how your body feels, take deep breaths, and allow yourself to be immersed in the experience. If your mind wanders to tomorrow’s to-do list or what to order for dinner (we’ve all been there), gently bring it back to the here and now. The more in tune you are, the more magnetic your energy becomes. This is your main character moment, so savour it.
Step 3: Visualizing Your Goals While Reaching Climax
Here’s where the magic really happens. As you build toward orgasm with a toy, bring your intention into sharper focus. Picture your goal as clearly as possible—see it, feel it, believe it’s already yours. Whether it's a new job, a better relationship, or even just a fresh mindset, visualize yourself living that reality. When you climax, picture that intention flying out into the universe like it’s headed straight for your vision board. Congrats, you just made manifestation look sexy.
Step 4: Reflecting and Releasing Energy
After your session, take a moment to reflect. You’ve built up some serious energy, and now it’s time to send it off with a kiss. Take a few deep breaths, chill for a sec, and feel the intention settle. Now, just let it go. Yep, just like that Frozen song—release your hold on the outcome and trust that the universe has got you covered. You did your part, now it’s time to sit back and let the magic happen.
Privilege Check

Let’s get one thing straight before you go into the deep end to channel the power of pleasure manifestation. Yes, manifestation is a weird term for some and can come loaded with bias and privilege in its interrogation at times.
Cringe feelings aside, there is something to be said about putting a great deal of energy into a desire, wish or dream and watching what happens after. All of us have goals and things we strive for, so why not use every tool around to reach them? I’m grabbing the best body massagers in India from MyMuse and definitely taking my shot, what about you?
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