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What is MyMuse?

What are bedroom essentials?

What is Musings?

Shipping And Orders

Is shipping really free?

How long before my order ships?

How long does delivery usually take?

Does MyMuse deliver to my zipcode?

Will my products be delivered discreetly?

How will I know when my order has been placed?

Where is my order? How do I track it?

Where is my tracking number and how do I find it?

Will all my packages come separately?

What are the forms of payment you take?

Is COD an option?

Is there a way I can change my shipping address last minute?

Returns And (X)Changes

Is shipping really free?

What’s your return policy?

What if my order is defective or damaged?

I don't think this product is for me. Can I get a refund?

When Can i expect my refund?

How does your exchange policy work?

Legal Stuff

Is ordering products from MyMuse legal?

How old do I need to be to shop at MyMuse?

Do I need to take care of customs?

Is there a warranty on any product?

How will MyMuse handle my personal information?

Safety And Sensibilities

Are these products safe?

What if I have an allergic reaction?

Where are your products made?

Are your products organic?

Do you use chemicals in your products? If so, are they harmful?

Are your products vegan?

What if I accidentally consume (eat) one of your products?

How long do your products last? Do they have an expiry date?

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    If you prefer WhatsApp: 8879212357.

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Glow Arousing Sensual Massage Oil

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An intoxicating massage oil with pure mogra extract, to ignite sensuality
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A compact, flexible massager with 10 speeds, that's perfect for partnered play
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