
A blog for people who love to love


MyMuse’s Valentine’s Day cards for non-lovers

Free Valentine’s Day Cards For Friends & Foes

Stones over a pink background

6 Gift Ideas To Speak Your Partner's Love Langu...

Old graffiti wall with hearts and bright spots

Do You Love Them Or Do You Crave Being Deeply L...

Holding Hands

The Older The Better? Exploring Age-Gap Relatio...

Cupcake with strawberries around it

Make It Spicy! Why Is Food Play So Hot?

Valentines day gift box with two glasses of wine and a hand holding Glide personal jelly

3 Valentines Day Date Ideas For Every Kind Of C...

Skeletons placed at a table with dishware

10 Funniest First Dates Stories To Make You Gla...

Indian couple lying on a bed with MyMuse’s Glow massage oil

Pros & Cons of Live-in Relationship in India

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